Lanteri Partners Group develops and implements tailored financial plans that create, build and protect your wealth.
We have achieved excellent outcomes for our clients for more than 30 years because we are lateral thinking, dedicated and experienced people. Our advice is driven by solutions not products and guided by the latest and most up to date information .
Subscribe to Lanteri Partners Insights to stay up to date with the latest news and industry updates delivered straight to your inbox.

March 2025 Newsletter
This edition features pieces on:
Salary sacrifice vs personal deductible contributions: and the winner is…
Beware of Bitcoin gains!
Do you own an asset that is used in your spouse’s business?
FBT checklist for 2024-25

February 2025 Newsletter
This edition features pieces on:
Seven changes impacting your super in 2025
Yet more rental data matching by the ATO
Coalition election announcements
Super and hardship: a safety net in financial difficulty
ATO confirms tax deductibility of financial advice fees

December 2024 Newsletter
This edition features pieces on:
Christmas and tax – what’s deductible and what’s not
Deductions for self-education courses – understanding the rules
12 super tips for a merry and bright retirement – simple steps to boost your super
Small farms and tax deductions – what you need to know
How your super stacks up – comparing balances by age

Is Your Financial Future Secure? Uncover Wealth-Building Strategies with Lanteri Partners
In this online seminar, Joseph Lanteri, Co-CEO of Lanteri Partners shares practical wealth-building strategies designed to help you secure your financial future. Whether you're a high-income earner, a small business owner, or facing life changes like starting a family or investing in property, this session is for you.

November 2024 Newsletter
This edition features pieces on:
How taxable is that side hustle?
The black hole of CGT and trusts
What we know so far about payday super
What tax receipts do I need to keep?
Super on parental leave pay is now law

October 2024 Newsletter
This edition features pieces on:
Making contributions later in life
What is the right business structure?
Selling a property with mixed rental and residential use
Comparing SMSFs with other super funds
The dangers of failing to declare income or lodge returns

September 2024 Newsletter
This edition features pieces on:
Who is a spouse under the tax laws, and why does it matter?
Riding the market waves
Take care if you sell your home after leaving Australia
Separation and divorce: CGT consequences…and relief
Setting up an SMSF: Who can join the fund?
“Debt recycling”…flavour of the month

August 2024 Newsletter
This edition features pieces on:
The importance of “tax residency”
Changes to preservation age
CGT and foreign residents: complex rules apply!
Selling a small business operated through a company – sell the shares or sell the assets?
Spouse contributions splitting
Breaking up (by text) is hard to do
Small business energy incentive

July 2024 Newsletter
This edition features pieces on:
Division 293 tax – will you be caught?
The fine line between property development and “merely realising an asset”
The CGT main residence exemption concessions are very useful
The secret life of TFNs
Can I add to my super pension?

June 2024 Newsletter
This edition features pieces on:
Making your super last in retirement
Take care with contribution timing this financial year
Rental properties: Traps and pitfalls
Succession planning for family businesses
How myGov can help you track your super

Federal Budget 2024-25 Update
The Federal Budget, handed down on Tuesday 14 May, contained a number of tax, superannuation, tax administration and social security/cost of living proposals that may impact your clients (and their businesses) in relation to the following matters…

May 2024 Newsletter
This edition features pieces on:
Selling your home? Beware of a partial capital gains tax liability
Take care with contribution timing this financial year
Rental Properties: Traps and pitfalls
Succession planning for family businesses
How myGov can help you track your super

Webinar - Building a Financial Foundation at the Peak of Your Career
In this webinar, Michael Lanteri, Managing Director, Lawyer, CPA, and Chartered Tax Adviser shares valuable insights and strategies to leverage your earning power to build robust wealth in retirement.

March 2024 Newsletter
This edition features pieces on:
Stage 3 tax cuts – an opportunity for permanent tax savings
Capital gains tax concessions for small business owners
Briefing a barrister
Making extra super contributions

February 2024 Newsletter
This edition features pieces on:
Compensation - is it taxable?
Tax issues when dealing with volunteers
Collectibles and inherited jewellery
Using super to pay the mortgage
Returning to work after retirement

December 2023 Newsletter
This edition features pieces on:
Give yourself a super gift this Christmas
Lost or destroyed tax records? Don't panic!
Taken goods for private use?
Two main residences is possible
Don't ignore those tax debts - the ATO won't!
The taxation of super death benefits

Celebrating 30 years of Lanteri Partners
We sat down with Michael Lanteri, Managing Director, to hear about how the firm was created as well as aspirations for the years to come.

November 2023 Newsletter
This edition features pieces on:
Who can I nominate as my super beneficiary?
Who is a resident for tax purposes?
Introducing the energy incentive
Qualifying as an interdependent or financial dependant
How to nominate a superannuation beneficiary

October 2023 Newsletter
This edition features pieces on:
Personal Deductible Superannuation Contributions:
Overview: This article delves into the complexities surrounding the age-based rules and the work test for making deductible contributions to your superannuation fund.
Key Points: It covers the age brackets that are eligible for making contributions, the "work test" that individuals aged 67 to 74 must pass, and the annual caps on contributions.
Relevance: Understanding these rules is crucial for maximising your retirement savings while also taking advantage of tax benefits.