Black and white photo of Melbourne city skyline with visible buildings, spires, and a bridge.

Private Wealth Management

Your wealth creation will be achieved through a comprehensive private wealth management approach that takes in account, every facet of your financial life.

Or Call : (03) 9650 3722

 Lanteri Partners offer a complete range of private wealth management services for individuals and businesses, provided by our multidisciplinary team of specialists. Unlike other firms, Lanteri Partners Group is family owned and operated, so our advice is driven by solutions not products. What’s more, we get to know your specific position, requirements and ambitions before developing tailored strategies to get you there.

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Superannuation and Retirement

“Retirement is when you start living. We want you to be ready to enjoy it”

Planning for retirement from your first day of work or throughout your career, superannuation means you’re financially ready for life after work.

Retirement & superannuation planning is integral to your wealth management strategy. We structure, monitor and manage your superannuation savings to suit your circumstances and goals, ensuring the best possible outcome for live in retirement.

Retirement and Superannuation services;

  • Administering and monitoring investment performance

  • Preparing financial statements, tax returns and regulatory reporting

  • Fund auditing

  • Determining contribution timing and amount

  • Salary sacrifice, spouse splitting and co-contribution

  • Taxation structure, tax deductibility and gearing within superannuation

  • Moving assets into superannuation

  • Transfer of superannuation when moving jobs

  • Transition to Retirement Income Streams (TRIS)

  • Managing capital gains

Accounting & Taxation

“With ever increasing complexity in laws, practices and standards, the right accounting and taxation advice is vital. Lanteri Partners has it.”

Professional strategic accounting and taxation advice is critical, making the most of your income now and building a foundation for wealth into the future.

Our highly qualified staff focus on your needs, developing effective and compliant tax strategies, preparing returns and reports and keeping relevant documentation to meet critical deadlines.

Accounting and taxation are core competencies. Services include;

  • Preparation of budgets, cash flow statements, management accounting reports

  • Providing advice on accounting software and bookkeeping requirements

  • Personalised and business tax planning and accounting

  • Business structure advice for asset protection

  • Preparation of tax returns for all entities including individuals, trusts, partnerships, companies and superannuation funds

  • Preparation of all BAS, FBT returns and ABN applications

  • Advice for FBT, PAYG, payroll tax, workers compensation and superannuation obligations and requirements

  • Taxation services for expatriates


“We know and continually assess Melbourne’s property market to ensure our clients have access to the best investment opportunities”

Property investment is an effective, long term path to create wealth that demands up-to-date market knowledge with specialised real estate, legal, finance and accounting experience. Lanteri Partners Group offers over 26 years.

Property investment services include;

  • Evaluate property investment as part of your overall financial plans

  • Recommend specific properties and developments based on potential for wealth generation

  • Prepare a comprehensive investment plan

  • Negotiate contracts

  • Arrange finance

  • Legal and conveyancing services

  • Arrange for an external consultant to complete defect inspections

Shares and Fund Management

“Effective investment portfolios are built on core market understanding: asset classes available, real-time information, analysis, advice and action.”

With forensic knowledge of the investment market… proprietary research tools and risk management processes… and years of industry experience. With investment-specific analysis… real time monitoring… and rapid response to fluctuations. You can trust Lanteri Partners to invest for you.

Shares and Fund Management services include:

  • Meeting with investment managers to establish goals and approach

  • Develop an investment strategy that is part of your overall financial plan

  • Ensure investment is structured effectively for tax and other requirements

  • Manage your superannuation fund assets

  • Regularly review your investments and recommend timely adjustments

  • Manage funds outside of superannuation

Expatriate Services

With Lanteri your financial strategy won’t stop, even you move overseas. All services are continually available to Australians living globally, planning, implementing and managing your finances, without missing new opportunities.

Wealth Management Team